The Gift of Effortless BreathingThe Gift of Effortless Breathing

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The Gift of Effortless Breathing

My late grandfather was one of my favorite people in the world. This large humorous man lived life to the fullest. He could always make me laugh with his jokes and silly behaviour. When he was younger, he broke his nose in an accident. After the accident, he couldn’t breathe comfortably through his nose. However, he never underwent surgery to fix the problem. If you can’t properly breathe through your nose due to a previous accident, consider undergoing a beneficial cosmetic procedure. A rhinoplasty might help you breathe effortlessly through your nose again. On this blog, you will discover the benefits of undergoing a rhinoplasty after sustaining damage to your nose.

Vaginal Rejuvenation: 3 Ways It Can Enhance Your Well-Being

There are numerous cosmetic procedures that have the capability of restoring your youthful appearance and boosting your confidence. The cosmetic procedure vaginal rejuvenation is definitely no exception. It is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that is simple and effective. However, many people aren't aware of the various benefits of this particular procedure. Keep reading to learn how vaginal rejuvenation is able to enhance your overall well-being.

It Can Enhance Sexual Function

As women age, they will suffer extreme fluctuations in their hormones, and unfortunately, this can lead to vaginal dryness. Thankfully, vaginal rejuvenation treatment can help address any issues with sexual sensation. The treatment can increase nerve sensitivity while maximizing the strength of the pelvic floor. In addition, the procedure will increase lubrication of the vaginal area and overall increases intimacy for all involved. The enhanced sexual function that is experienced can have a positive impact on any romantic relationship.

It Can Accentuate Vaginal Appearance

Over time, the outside appearance of the vagina will change, particularly with childbirth and age, which can impact the self-esteem of a woman. Luckily, the vaginal rejuvenation cosmetic procedure helps to promote circulation, stimulate production of collagen, and strengthen and firm up the surrounding tissues. In addition, the skin of the labia will become softer and smoother with this procedure. In the end, you will have a much more youthful and glowing appearance in the vaginal area, which will allow you to feel far more comfortable and confident.

It Can Resolve Urinary Incontinence

The natural aging process, along with childbirth, can result in undesirable changes in the labia and vagina, such as sagging and stretching. Over time, this can lead to mild to moderate urinary incontinence. The vaginal rejuvenation cosmetic procedure uses intense radio frequency energy to heat the vaginal walls in a gentle manner and revive the lax tissue. This type of treatment helps to achieve significant tightening within the canal of the vagina, which works to eliminate involuntary leakage.

Unlike standard plastic surgery, one of the best things about the vaginal rejuvenation procedure is that there is no downtime at all—not to mention the procedure is virtually painless since you do not have to go under the knife. If you would like to learn more about the non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment and how it can benefit you or if you would like to schedule a consultation, talk to a professional cosmetic surgeon in your area today.