The Gift of Effortless BreathingThe Gift of Effortless Breathing

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The Gift of Effortless Breathing

My late grandfather was one of my favorite people in the world. This large humorous man lived life to the fullest. He could always make me laugh with his jokes and silly behaviour. When he was younger, he broke his nose in an accident. After the accident, he couldn’t breathe comfortably through his nose. However, he never underwent surgery to fix the problem. If you can’t properly breathe through your nose due to a previous accident, consider undergoing a beneficial cosmetic procedure. A rhinoplasty might help you breathe effortlessly through your nose again. On this blog, you will discover the benefits of undergoing a rhinoplasty after sustaining damage to your nose.

How To Tell If Cosmetic Injections Are Right For You

It's normal to look into the mirror and notice a few tweaks that you would want to make, but that doesn't mean that you should do them--or should you? Cosmetic injections are one of the most popular noninvasive cosmetic procedures that patients are choosing to undergo. With a combination of both Botox and fillers, you can help perfect just about any part of your face where fine lines and wrinkles are involved.

If you are on the fence about cosmetic injections, you are not alone. In fact, a lot of people get anxiety about the thought of doing something that will change their appearance in a negative way. With so many benefits, however, it's good to determine for yourself whether or not cosmetic injections are the right fit for you. 

They Are Temporary 

One of the things that many patients find comfort in when deciding whether or not to go with cosmetic injections is the fact that they are temporary. Depending on the type of filler that you go with; they may last anywhere from 6-18 months. Botox injections typically last anywhere from 3-6 months on average. The great thing about having something temporary is the fact that if you don't like your results or if you want to try something else, you know that they will fade in just a few months' time. 

You Have Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process, but that doesn't mean that you have to like them. With cosmetic injections, your esthetician can actually fill in your fine lines and wrinkles to help smooth out your skin and make you feel like your youthful self again. 

Fillers: Fillers work in the same way that their name suggests — by filling in the wrinkles in the skin to help plump it up and smooth out the skin. 

Botox: Botox is used on the forehead and around the eyes, and unlike fillers that fill in the fine lines and wrinkles, Botox works by relaxing the facial muscles so that you aren't able to flex them and make certain movements. 

They Can Be Used For Other Things As well

Another unique thing that cosmetic injections can be used for is plumping the skin by adding volume to it. Because of this, a lot of patients like to have fillers injected underneath their eyes to fill in dark circles, in their cheekbones to make them look more pronounced, and in their lips to give them that sexier pout overall. 

If you want to learn a little bit more about cosmetic injections, reach out to an esthetician near you.